Our English Blog


If the only sister of the only brother of your mother has an only child, what is that child’s relation to you?


¡A calentarse la cabeza otra vez!

Pues parece que la cosa marcha y estáis dispuestos a pensar, y mucho.

Nuevamente Carlos, de 6º A ha resuelto este lío. ¡Enhorabuena! Aunque le ha seguido de cerca Andrea.

The answer is: "I am this child".

7 comentarios

Victor 6ºC -

I am I

Andrea 6ºB -

I am the only sister

Victor 6ºC -

He is my cousin

carl 6º A -

That this child I am I

Víctor, Nacho y David, 6º C -

The nephew.

No, you are wrong.

David, Raúl y Vicente, 6º C -

A son.

No, you are wrong.

Juanma e Iñigo, 6º C -

A cousin.

No, you are wrong.